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1. Rubah A record ke IP server IIX (
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3. kemudian save
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Install 2 Blogs Wordpress Dalam 1 database

Banyak dari antara teman – teman yang mungkin mengelola dan memiliki lebih dari 2 blog. Namun terkadang ada batasan database yang diberikan kepada pihak hosting (baik itu hosting berbayar maupun yang gratisan). Nah bagaimana jika kita tinggal memiliki 1 account database namun masih ingin membuat 2 blog? Dengan wordpress kita bisa melakukan itu. Menggunakan 1 database untuk 2 buah blog wordpress. Caranya sangat mudah yaitu jika di hosting terdapat fasilitas auto installer kita install salah satu blog wordpress tersebut misalnya dengan alamat Kemudian setelah kita sukses untuk mengistallnya. Kita install blog ke dua namun dengan cara manual. Yaitu dengan mengupload wordpress yang di download dari ke hosting kita. Misalnya kita upload di folder toko, sehingga beralamat di Nah jika kita mengistall secara manual tentu kit perlu untuk mengubah configurasi yang ada di file – file wordpress yang kita upload tersebut yaitu file wp-config.php yaitu kita ubah pada baris – baris berikut. define
(‘DB_NAME’, ‘namadatabase‘);
/** MySQL database username
*/ define(‘DB_USER’, ‘userdatabase‘);
/** MySQL database password
*/ define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘passworddatabase‘);
/** MySQL hostname
*/ define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘alamathostdatabase‘);
Untuk isiannya kita isikan sama persis pada file wp-config.php wordpress yang kita.
Kemudian untuk masing – masing blog kita edit pada baris berikut yaitu
* You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each a unique
* prefix. Only numbers, letters, and underscores please!
*/ $table_prefix = ‘wp_’;
Misalnya untuk blog yang telah kita buat
$table_prefix = ‘wp_‘;
sedangkan untuk toko kita buat
$table_prefix = ‘toko_‘;
Nah ketika
wp-config.php untuk toko sudah kita edit dan upload, maka pada installasi wordpress nanti untuk prefix tabel nya kita isikan :


Membuat Daftar Isi Otomatis Di WordPress

logo wordpress

Tips ini saya peruntukan bagi anda yang baru memulai belajar ngeblog di, bukan,  dan tentunya bagi anda yang belum mengetahui hal ini. Anda yang sudah pintar  jangan ngetawain.. memang sih bagi yang sudah pintar, tips  ini merupakan tips yang sangat sepele dan gampang banget, tetapi bagi yang belum tau merupakan sesuatu yang berguna dan berharga.. saya merasakan hal itu.
Daftar isi pada sebuah blog keberadaanya begitu penting, dimana para pengunjung blog dapat melihat keseluruhan postingan dari sebuah blog mulai blog tersebut dibuat sampai hari ini. Dengan adanya daftar isi akan diketahui tanggal dan bulan postingan pertama, sehingga pengunjung akan mengetahui umur blog, juga dapat menilai cepat atau lambat perkembangannya.
Membuat daftar isi bisa dengan cara manual dan dengan cara otomatis. Saya sarankan tidak usah membuat yang cara manual, sebab nanti anda akan kerepotan sendiri… cape dech ! Kadang-kadang lupa. Kalau sudah lupa, pasti males untuk menambahkan yang kelupaan tersebut. Tapi kalo yang otomatis,  anda nyante aja..tidak usah mikirin ngedit daftar isi. Enak bukan ?
Caranya sangat mudah sebagai berikut:

  1. Masuk ke Dhasboard
  2. Pilih Menu Halaman/Page
  3. Pilih Add New
  4. Ketik pada kolom judul halaman  :  “Daftar Isi” …  (atau apa saja terserah anda)
  5. Ketik pada baris pertama lembar halaman : Postingan Saya sejak bulan…. sampai Sekarang (atau apa saja terserah anda)
  6. Pada baris berikutnya ketik kode html :  [Archives] …. pastikan mode editing pada posisi HTML, bukan Visual.
  7. Terbitkan (save)
  8. Selesai.. jadi dech !


Digg Launches New Extensions for Firefox and Chrome

Digg has launched new extensions for the Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome web browsers.
"A month ago, we announced new capabilities that let developers create writable applications with the Digg API," says Dig’s Chris Howard. "We decided to put this to work ourselves and update our original Firefox Extension and also create a new Google Chrome extension at the same time. In both cases, you can now Digg stories as you browse the web, without having to come back to the Digg site each time."
The Chrome extension includes the Digg count for any URL. It’s displayed to the right of the browser’s address bar, and users can click it to see the title and comment count for that URL, as well as the button to Digg it. It also comes with ways to share any URL (like through Twitter, Facebook, and email).
Digg Toolbar for Firefox
There is a little more to the Firefox extension. It improves upon the existing FireFox extension. Digg has moved the Digg count and Digg button to the navigation bar, so the toolbar doesn’t have to be open for users to Digg stories. The toolbar itself is shorter and has added keyboard shortcut functionality to make it easier to hide and show it.
"This makes it really simple to check out the Digg story details for a URL and then close it when you’re done," says Howard.
Digg has also added controls in the toolbar settings, such as notification thresholds and a smaller notification box. These features were designed to make notifications less intrusive to the user.


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Inilah Rahasia Terbesar Bulan

Meski benda langit ini sangat dekat dengan Bumi, terdapat banyak rahasia yang dipegangnya. Rahasia terbesar apa yang dipegang benda langit yang mengorbit Bumi ini?
‘Dekat’ di sini tentunya memiliki konteks relative. Bulatan putih abu-abu di langit Bumi ini berjarak 362 ribu km dari Bumi. Misi menuju bulan tentunya tak mudah, terutama pada misi berawak. Tak ada manusia yang menginjakkan kaki ke bulan sebelum 1972.
Setelahnya, banyak negara di seluruh dunia mulai melakukan riset pada satelit Bumi ini. Misi masa depan oleh robot dan manusia akan membantu memecahkan beberapa teka-teki utama Bulan. Termasuk.
Cara bulan sampai di posisinya sekarang
Para ilmuwan mengaku memiliki ide apa yang sebenarnya terjadi. Banyak garis bukti (inti kecil bulan, unsur tertentu yang saling melengkapi dan simulasi komputer putaran orbital bulan selama ribuan tahun) menunjukkan, bulan lahir dari tabrakan raksasa.
Menurut teori ini, sekitar 4,5 miliar tahun silam, benda seukuran Mars menghantam Bumi yang masih muda dan cair. Materi hasil tabrakan itu pun bergabung menjadi bulan.
Bulan ‘biru’
Terbukti, banyak air berada di luar dan dalam bulan. Hal ini membuat para peneliti mencapai satu kesimpulan. “Makin diperiksa, makin banyak air ditemukan di tempat dan kedalaman yang berbeda,” ujar profesor fisika Neil Comins di University of Maine.
Hasil studi menunjukkan, interior bulan jauh lebih basah dari seharusnya. Pemeriksaan kembali terbaru pada sampel batuan yang dibawa ke Bumi pun memiliki tanda air. “Sebuah pertanyaan terbuka mengenai asal dan distribusi air di bulan,” kata Comins.
‘Terkunci’ Bumi
Bulan ‘terkunci’ Bumi. Artinya, hanya ada satu belahan yang dihadapi bumi. Sisi disebut maria, atau ‘laut,’ magma dingin. Anehnya, maria hampir tak ditemui di sisi belakang bulan, seperti yang diungkap data dari satelit (dan dilihat langsung astronot Apollo 8).
Belahan dingin ini diketahui memiliki kerak yang tebal (15 km) dibanding belahan lain. Hal ini membuat belahan di sisi lain lebih mudah retak akibat serangan meteorit yang melepas pembentuk maria magma kedalaman bulan, kata Comins. Namun, kerak asimetri ini sendiri merupakan teka-teki.
Model yang lebih besar pada interior bulan dan pemahaman yang lebih baik pada kerusakan yang timbul akibat tabrakan bisa membantu menjelaskan ‘dua wajah’ aneh ini.
Kunci keberadaan manusia?
Pada seperempat diameter dan lebih dari 1% massa Bumi, bulan menjadi satelit alami terbesar kelima dalam tata surya. Massa bulan yang cukup dan gravitasinya menstabilkan ‘goyangan’ di sumbu Bumi.
Selain itu, bulan menyebabkan pasang laut di Bumi yang mungkin membantu ‘mengaduk sup purba,’ lanjut Comins lagi. Singkatnya, para astronom bertanya-tanya apakah dunia seperti Bumi butuh bulan besar agar kehidupan bisa berkembang.
Jawabannya pertanyaan itu mungkin berada di planet tetangga, Mars. Planet Merah itu memiliki dua bulan kecil. “Saat manusia ke Mars dan menentukan apakah dan bagaimana kehidupan disana berevolusi. Hal itu akan membantu lebih memahami cara kehidupan terbentuk tanpa bulan,” tutup Comins.


Inilah Takdir Bumi

Jika manusia bisa bertahan dari kekeringan 90 tahun dan konsekuensi menakutkan perubahan iklim, maka takdir Bumi hanya satu. Seperti apa nasib Bumi?
Jika obat antitua pun berhasil dikembangkan dan membuat manusia bisa hidup miliaran tahun, maka pada akhirnya Bumi akan terpanggang bersama penghuninya. Saat matahari masuk fase raksasa merah, Bumi otomatis akan terpanggang dan menguap.
Ada satu lagi kemungkinan alami lainnya, kesempatannya sekitar 1:100.000. Yakni, di saat matahari mulai kehilangan massanya, maka gravitasi yang ‘mencengkeram’ planet hunian manusia ini pun turut menghilang.
Alhasil, Bumi akan hilang di luar angkasa menjadi planet tak bermatahari yang bergerak tanpa tujuan di malam gelap dan dingin. Saat itu juga, manusia yang ada akan membeku.
Menurut penulis sains senior Robert Roy Britt, terdapat beberapa ide cemerlang menjaga agar spesies manusia terus ada.
Termasuk, pindah ke Mars atau planet lain saat manusia berhasil mengembangkan teknologi yang tepat untuk itu. Atau, secara teori, manusia bisa ‘menarik’ sebuah asteroid dan menggunakan gravitasinya untuk mendorong Bumi ke lingkar orbit yang lebih jauh dari matahari.
Menurut penulis senior ini, bulan tak bisa diharapkan. Pasalnya, di masa depan nanti, perhitungan menunjukkan, bulan akan hancur dengan sendirinya sebelum Bumi menguap.


17 Situs Paling Banyak Dikunjungi di 2011

Google memperbarui daftar 1.000 situs teretas di web. Pemberian peringkat ini berdasar data dari DoubleClick Ad Planner. Apa saja?Google memaparkan, layanan iklan yang menentukan ‘berat’ satu situs adalah, perpaduan informasi dari beragam sumber, data toolbar dari pengguna, penerbit yang memilih anonym di data Google Analytics, data panel konsumen eksterenal dan data firma pasar pihak ketiga.
Meski begitu, daftar ini masih jauh dari kata tetap. Google diketahui tak menyertakan situs dewasa, jaringan iklan, domain yang tak umum, serta situs-situs tertentu milik Google.
Berikut 17 situs paling banyak dikunjungi di 2011 ini. Termasuk,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, dan di peringkat paling banyak diakses.


Awas! Asteroid Sebesar Bus Dekati Bumi

Astronom Amerika Serikat (AS) memastikan, Asteroid 2011 MD akan mencapai posisi terdekatnya dengan Bumi pada Senin pukul 01.14 dini hari (Selasa 28 Juni pukul 00.14 WIB). Asteroid ini nantinya berada 12.070 km di atas Antartika.
Asteroid ini diperkirakan memiliki lebar 8,5-30 meter. Asteroid ini diketahui mendekati Bumi pada Rabu lalu melalui teleskop di New Mexico yang secara rutin mencari ‘rumah’ asteroid yang berada dekat Bumi. Untungnya, asteroid ini tak berpotensi membahayakan Bumi.
“Asteroid ini tak akan menghantam Bumi, namun ilmuwan akan menggunakan peristiwa ini untuk mempelajari benda angkasa itu menggunakan radar observasi,” papar astronom yang terkait program Asteroid Watch NASA.
Bahkan jika asteroid ini berhasil masuk atmosfer Bumi, asteroid tak akan sampai ke daratan, lanjutnya. “Asteroid ini berukuran panjang 10 meter. Asteroid yang memiliki ukuran kurang dari 25 meter akan hancur di atmosfer Bumi,” lanjut para ilmuwan lagi


Inside Search Site Bring You a Deeper Look About Google Search

On Tuesday, we held a media event in San Francisco to introduce new and faster ways to search using your voice, an image or Instant Pages. We also launched Inside Search, a new website that hosted a live stream of the event. Inside Search contains a wealth of information about search and we wanted to let you know more about it.

When providing detailed information about a new search feature, we often link to an official landing page from the blog post (such as this one for Google Instant or this one for Google Images with sorting). Since there wasn’t one central place you could find all that information, we created a one-stop shop for all search-related features, tips and tricks. Thus, following the release of the new Inside Search blog, we bring you a deeper look Inside Search.

Whether you’re a beginner to web search or a search master, you’ll find all the search shortcuts you need under the Features section of the site. For example, most people don’t realize that the Google search box is a calculator, a world clock and a unit converter. You can also discover tips like how to use translated sites to search for [crepe recipes] on French sites or how to use an asterisk in a phrase or question so Google can fill in the blanks.

In addition, if you ever wonder how search takes your query and delivers results, you can use Inside Search to get an under-the-hood look at the technology behind Google Search. There are interactive diagrams with information on how far every query has to travel to get an answer back to you, how often we run experiments (we ran over 6000 in 2010 alone), how much time has gone into developing the algorithm and more. We’ve also included the Search Globe, an interactive display of searches around the world, on this page.

Inside Search also takes advantage of HTML5 to create a more interactive experience throughout the site, so instead of just clicking to read a list of search facts, you can do something a little more fun, like pick up a test tube with your mouse and pour the solution onto the Google homepage to reveal interesting facts about search:

Finally, be sure to visit the Playground section of the site. There, you can try your hand at the A Google a Day trivia game, browse our gallery of past Google doodles and be on the lookout for new fun additions coming soon.

To learn new search tips, get a behind-the-scenes look at Google technology or find out more information about the announcements from Tuesday’s event, visit the new site at


Android, maps and earth

When we launched Google Earth in 2005, most of us were still using flip phones. At the time, the thought of being able to cart around 197 million square miles of Earth in your pocket was still a distant dream. Last year, that dream came to fruition for Android users when we released Google Earth for Android. With the recent release of tablets based on Android 3.0, we wanted to take full advantage of the large screens and powerful processors that this exciting new breed of tablets had to offer.

Today’s update to Google Earth for Android makes Earth look better than ever on your tablet. We’ve added support for fully textured 3D buildings, so your tour through the streets of Manhattan will look more realistic than ever. There’s also a new action bar up top, enabling easier access to search, the option to “fly to your location” and layers such as Places, Panoramio photos, Wikipedia and 3D buildings.

Moving from a mobile phone to a tablet was like going from a regular movie theatre to IMAX. We took advantage of the larger screen size, including features like content pop-ups appearing within Earth view, so you can see more information without switching back and forth between pages.

One of my favorite buildings to fly around in Google Earth has always been the Colosseum in Rome, Italy:

With the larger tablet screen, I can fly around the 3D Colosseum while also browsing user photos from Panoramio. The photos pop up within the imagery so I can interact with them without losing sight of the Colosseum and its surroundings. Also, by clicking on the layer button on the action bar, I can choose which layers I want to browse.

This version is available for devices with Android 2.1 and above. The new tablet design is available for devices with Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) and above. Please visit the Google Earth help center for more information.

To download or update Google Earth, head to in your device’s browser or visit Android Market. Enjoy a whole new world of Google Earth for tablets!


Android: momentum, mobile and more at Google I/O

This morning at Google I/O, the Android team shared some updates. It’s hard to believe a little more than two and a half years ago, we were just one device, launching in one country, on one carrier. Thanks to the ecosystem of manufacturers, developers and carriers, the platform has grown exponentially. There are now:
  • 100 million activated Android devices
  • 400,000 new Android devices activated every day
  • 200,000 free and paid applications available in Android Market
  • 4.5 billion applications installed from Android Market
Mobile—one OS everywhere
Over the past two and a half years, we’ve shipped eight releases of Android and there are now more than 310 Android devices around the world, of all shapes and sizes. This morning we talked about our next version of Android, Ice Cream Sandwich. Our goal with Ice Cream Sandwich is to deliver one operating system that works everywhere, regardless of device. Ice Cream Sandwich will bring everything you love about Honeycomb on your tablet to your phone, including the holographic user interface, more multitasking, the new launcher and richer widgets.

We also launched Music Beta by Google, a new service that lets you upload your personal music collection to the cloud for streaming to your computer and Android devices. With the new service, your music and playlists are automatically kept in sync, so if you create a new playlist on your phone, it’s instantly available on your computer or tablet. You can use a feature called Instant Mix to create a playlist of songs that go well together. You can even listen to music when you’re offline: we automatically store your most recently played music on your Android device and you can choose to make specific albums or playlists available when you’re not connected. The service is launching in beta today to U.S. users and is available by invitation.

We’ve also added Movies for rent to Android Market. You can choose to rent from thousands of movies starting at $1.99 and have them available across your Android devices—rent a movie on your home computer, and it’ll be available for viewing on your tablet or phone. You can rent from Android Market on the web today, and we’ll be rolling out an update to Verizon XOOM customers beginning today. We’ll start rolling out the update to Android 2.2 and above devices in the coming weeks.

The Android ecosystem has been moving really fast over the last two and a half years and rapid iteration on new and highly-requested features has been a driving force behind Android’s success. But of course that innovation only matters if it reaches consumers. So today we’re announcing that a founding team of industry leaders, including many from the Open Handset Alliance, are working together to adopt guidelines for how quickly devices are updated after a new platform release, and also for how long they will continue to be updated. The founding partners are Verizon, HTC, Samsung, Sprint, Sony Ericsson, LG, T-Mobile, Vodafone, Motorola and AT&T, and we welcome others to join us. To start, we're jointly announcing that new devices from participating partners will receive the latest Android platform upgrades for 18 months after the device is first released, as long as the hardware allows...and that's just the beginning. Stay tuned for more details.

More—extending the platform beyond mobile
From the beginning, Android was designed to extend beyond the mobile phone. With that in mind, we’ve developed Android Open Accessory to help developers start building new hardware accessories that will work across all Android devices. We previewed an initiative called Android@Home, which allows Android apps to discover, connect and communicate with appliances and devices in your home. We also showed a preview of Project Tungsten, an Android device for Music Beta to give you more control over music playback within the Android@Home network.

You can watch the entire Android keynote from Google I/O on our Google Developer YouTube Channel shortly. On behalf of the team, we want to thank the entire Android community of developers, OEMs and carriers who are pushing the platform into new areas and building great experiences for consumers. Without you, the Android platform wouldn’t have grown so large in the past two and a half years. We look forward to seeing where you take it next.

Hugo Barra is Director of Product Managment for Android.



Hello from the Google Toolbar team! Before we head off for the holidays, we wanted to give you some new features to play with.

We've been busy working on even more ways to make web browsing easier and more fun. First off is our new Share feature in Toolbar for Internet Explorer and Firefox. This makes it easy for you to share any page on the web with your friends over various social networks, blogs or email.

For example, I love Top Chef and have been following it all season. Last week was the season finale and I wanted to share head judge Tom Colicchio's great write-up with my friends. Using Toolbar, I just clicked on the Share button and selected Twitter. Toolbar created a new window with the page's title, space for my comments and a link to the page (automatically shortened by Google's new URL shortener,

You can just as easily share to Blogger, Delicious, Digg, Facebook, Gmail or other services. For those you use frequently, you can save a step by adding them as buttons in the settings option in the Share menu. We've also integrated with more local social networks — for example, if you're in Japan, you can share with your friends on Hatena.

With this new release, we've also "graduated" the My Location feature from Toolbar Labs. It's now available in Toolbar for Internet Explorer (Firefox already has a similar feature built in to the browser). After you authorize Toolbar to detect your location, you can simply search [coffee] and Toolbar will return search results targeted to your location. This is done without associating location information with your Google Account. Thanks to everyone who helped us test it!

Here's a video demo of these features.

Last but certainly not least, Google Sidewiki is now available in nearly all Toolbar languages, and as a Chrome extension.

To try it out, download our latest release, code-named Dangermouse. And follow us on Twitter at @googletoolbar and @googlesidewiki to stay updated with the latest Toolbar and Sidewiki news.

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  Google Now Has Its Own URL Shortener


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